Ever read one of those self help books!!!
How to suceed, How to win in life!
How to attract the opposite sex........!!
Now they are the most important proof of atheism, Cuz if there was a God existing anywhere! the authors of these books will be killed by lightning or sucked by earth ages ago!!
I mean i dont understand who reads all this crap,
There is this guy who writes articles on Hatayoga nd healthy non toxication oriented lifestyle, and i wanto find out who this guy is and i come to know that he died of cardiac arrest at the age of 47!!!
I was like 47??!!
Health books i can forgive they propogate some value proposition but ever heard of DATING GUIDES!!!!
Fine they write crap on it, but you know men on their anxiety to get laid will buy datng guides if they are written by AB Vajpyee!
But what i dont understand is WOMEN!!!!! Why does they need help in attracting opposite sex!!!
I walk through Spencers Towers chennai and i find a beautiful Gal reading a book "Where to find men"??
I wanted to grab a barrel and slam into her head!
I mean WHERE TO FIND MEN!!!!!! is that a topic worth even thinking!! and some bitch has even a book on that.......!
My advice for the author
Lady next time, Try to write on "Where you cannot find men!!!??
We were even on the Fucking Moon for Godsake....!!!
PS: ok Dear Selfhelp book writers rather than answering the most stupid questions like, How to behave if you are trapped in a Lift with a bunch of Bosnian Refugees!!??
Answer some simple questions.
Like say hmmmmm.......!!... Haa Why is it called Puri bhaji! Why aint it not Bhaji Puri!!
Awryte i know what you explanation is Bhaji is just the side dish and puri is the bread hence it should come as first priority! Fine..........!!
Then Explain this "Channa Battoora"
Wats the fuckin channa doin in front of the battooraa????
Now somebody gimme the answer of that and then i will call him an author!
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nice Shot Chopps. me also dont like those authors write Silly shit. You expressed in a Wonderful way.
haha.. landmark? meet the kinda attitude girlies everywhere..
dude...channa has more qunatity than batoora....batoora mayb 2 or 3...but jus add d num of channas...
tats y its kept first [:P]
Lol mate!
I liked this one!!!
Yea man Stupid females , I couldnt agree any better!!!
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